

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website in order to learn more about our Cambrai family. Cambrai Primary School is a new primary school which opened in September 2019. We are proud to be part of Lingfield Education Trust, a successful and growing Multi Academy Trust who have a family of schools across the north east. Cambrai was the seventh school - a brand new school for the community of Catterick Garrison.
The school was opened to meet the growing demand for pupil places across the area and aims to be a school firmly rooted in its community – growing alongside the families which it will serve. We have worked closely with North Yorkshire Local Authority and work in close partnership with their education department and local schools.
When full, the school will provide 210 places for children from reception age to year 6 (30 children per year group). The school, however, opened in September 2019 with only a reception class intake.
The notion that we have a school that grows children in to more than a ‘set of results’ is the bedrock of our vision and ethos for Cambrai. Our school aims to develop children in to ‘good people’, who will go on to do ‘great things’. Developing children’s positive attitudes and character are central to daily life at Cambrai. We do this through the teaching and promotion of our 6 school 'Virtues':
Detailed information about our ethos and values can be downloaded here.
Alongside this, we ensure that all children reach their academic potential – we believe that this is achieved best when children love coming to school, feel loved when they are there and develop their own love for learning. We aim to do this by:
Utilising our extensive building and grounds to their full potential – some learning is best in the classroom, some learning is best done outside, through a trip, through ICT or play – at all ages.
Ensuring that our children are safe and feel safe. The building has been cleverly designed with young children in mind, to ensure that they ‘own’ the building from the day they set foot in it.
Adopting an inclusive, family approach to school life – children mix with children from all ages, reading together, playing together and learning from each other, even though children will be taught in single age classes. We expect our older children to be role models for new children and the youngest members of our family. We want our children to be proud of their school, each other and themselves. We want our children from Service Families to feel like they have always been here – settled, appreciated and valued from day one.
Focusing on high quality teaching. Nothing but the best teaching will be accepted by the leadership of this school. A great teacher has an impact that lasts a lifetime, not just for the time a child is in their class. At Cambrai, we will never forget the importance of high quality daily teaching, coupled with an exciting and rigorous curriculum.
Working with families – openly, honestly and with genuine care. We understand that school has the potential to support children and families beyond the classroom as when schools do this well, children fly.
Having high aspirations for our children, regardless of background – academically, socially, in sports, through the arts... Whatever our children’s strengths are, we will find them, celebrate them and aim to ensure that they achieve their full potential.
Our overarching aim is for Cambrai to be a centre of excellence for our Trust and the wider community. It will embody our Trust values and be a distillation of the strong practice seen across our Trust schools – and beyond.
Choosing a school for your child is one of the toughest decisions that a parent has to make. We understand that considering a brand new school is a leap of faith - but rest assured - your child and your family will be in safe hands at Cambrai.
Come and join us on our exciting journey - and be part of our family.
Miss Laura Robinson
Headteacher ​
Cambrai Primary School